The Secret Society
Get Rich Quick Mass Mailing Scam


I recieved a personalized letter claiming that i possessed several rare traits that this society had been looking for and that if i kept this letter a secret, i would be given entry into their exclusive club. I was sceptical straight away.

Some of the things that are written in this letter goes as far as to say that the members are close to Godly and that they became powerful from reading an ancient document that is over 2000 years old! As if.

This Manuscript was rewritten into a book called 'The Discovery' and I'm sure there is a lot of unsusspecting people out there who would believe this letter and pay the money!

I was lucky to know someone who'd been burnt by a mass mailing scam before and i knew what they had been sent and it was similar to this. I would have been $220 Australian dollars out of pocket if i'd have sent back the 'Invitation'.

Please don't be fooled, they just want your money!

Beck. W.
Logan Village Queensland

Company: The Secret Society
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
Address: 850 South Boulder Highway
Phone: 7028910302
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