Kidz In Media
Talent Scout Scam also in San Diego, La Jolla Area, La Jolla


Hi, I have been approached a second time yesterday to go to their "event". We went last year because my daughter really wanted to try and get on a show or something. So I said I will go to show her that their are scams and I'm not a mean mom not taking her. I never made it past the mom and her 3 kids handing out flyers outside at the driveway entrance under threats of arest from scamers. But she on her own time made flyers about what they did to her family and stood outside adn put herself and their story out there. I turned the car around and thanked her. Now, yesterday we were hit again and I told the woman I wasn't interested adn she said must have been a different group. I recognized the address on the back and it is out in industrial park area far form civilization. Not anyplace a legitimate agent would have a nice easy to find office with prestige, but it is surrounded by non descript offices or tire places. So I am writing this to double check it was same scam and to let people know it is here at University City Mall as well. They are active in San Diego, it's not an LA thing. Please use your best judgement as a parent. Tyra Banks and other models always consitently say that you never pay anything to be placed anywhere because a legitimate agent makes money putting you to work, period. I just wanted it to be said they are here and I will complain to my mall next. I want them kicked out. There are better ways to make money, and be able to sleep at nite.

Company: Kidz In Media
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Diego
Address: 7220 Trade St
Phone: 6198464101
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