Brookline Management aka RHP property
Ripoff Mistreated and ripped off residents


As an ex-employee of Brookline Mgt I truly sympathise with the residents! I have personaly wittnesed the living conditons at the properties (Breton East, Breton Court, Walnut Hills). I know first hand the issues of saftey that were being disreguarded. That of the tenats as well as the employees. Mgt was told to be in not so many words MISLEADING!

I am here to let everyone know that things are not going to change. The owners don't care about you as a tenat any more than they cared about me as an emploee. I worked late most nights, the parking lot lights never worked, as well as the properties lights (parking lots, halls, and front doors). I worked many weekends alone and did not feel comfortable with the circumstances on the property. I was threatend by numorous tenant's nothing was done about the situation. I was scared!!!
I felt so unsafe that I pushed the issue of providing id before viewing an apartment, this was thought to be not needed by magt!

The saftey of you as a tenant is an issue that even the police dept could not control. The police dept introduced the neighborhood watch program with little outcome. Poeple were so afraid for there lives that nobody would participate. I myself on several occations had tenants asking for my help. All I could do was tell them to call the police, But many were to afraid. Cars were broken in to or vandalized everynight. Guns were every where, drugs, and prostitution.

I was tought to mislead a future tenant. For instance, To show an apartment that was better than the one they would have. I was told to put maintance problems off. If a future tenant ever asked about the neighborhood I was not to say anything good or bad, do to liabilty reasons. I still almost 6 months later think about all the good people I mislead. This is something that lies heavy on my conscious. I have nothing good to say about brookline Magt as a company but there were employee's that worked at these properties that did care and tried to change things.

I warn anyone that lives at a property listed to beware because they are all about getting paid not your saftey or living conditions. Is that how business is suposed to work? I believe that what goes around comes around. I can only hope that one day Joel is forced to live the way you as a tenant have had to live at his expence.

Company: Brookline Management aka RHP property
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Kentwood
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