Epoch.com took out more than $1000 dlls from my bank account for Nothing


For two years this fxxx... G company charged me for $39.95 each month. I didn't noticed this until last month when my bank account was overdrafted for one of those charges. I called them and they said I got FREE TRIAL FOR PSYCHIC REALM but I never known that was a membership because they never sent me any confirmation email or anything even I didn't use any of their services. They only gave back four months but they still owe me $800 dlls and they said that's the only thing they can do for me because it was my problem if I not read the terms and conditions. I filed a complaint on the Federal Trade Comission and BBB but they couldn't do nothing for me to get all my money back. I wanna sue them but I lived in Wa. State and they are in California, a lawyer told me It's not worthed because I should go to California. So WHAT ELSE CAN I DO?
Somebody should stop them! I'ts unfair

Company: EPOCH.com
Country: USA
State: California
City: Marina Del Rey
Site: epoch.com
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Why am i getting 2 charges of 39.95 and of 26.91 every month

Epoch Billing
Epoch online processing ripped me off for $4,000.00. Unknown memberships for four years

Epoch Online Processing
Stole My $4,000.00


Rand @ Epoch Dot Com
Rand @ Epoch Dot Com Scam - EPOCH dot com, owner - Rand, unauthorized billing, unlawful porn billing company

Refuses to cancel membership even though I didn't sign up in the first place... Juneau

Unauthorised payments taken from my bank account

EPoch.com Ripoff's and Sams

Blogintoprofits.com they charge my account 74.97 dlls I did not authorized

Continues to bill by credit card $39.95 q month for their services and i have no idea what i am being charged for, nor do i want it. Will probably have to cancel my credit card and hopefully this will stop california