The Secret Society - Jeff Hanson - Kristen Hart
The only secret they have is where they are located, so when you try to sue them there is noone there


Last week I received in the mail a letter from the very seemingly friendly Kristen Hart, inviting me into an exclusive secret society. After they reviewed my "PROFILE". I have hidden talents that they are looking for. Yeah well that would be my money. Profile? What profile might that be, humm my credit report. Lol anyhow. They must have said FREE more times than they mentioned my name in the letter and they used that a lot, like they were my very bet friend. Well all y friends have real names and I know where they are located.

So for giggles I sent back the letter to Dover Delaware, which made no sense since they were supposed to be in Grove Park OH, which is just South of Columbus. I searched the address with Microsoft Virtual world, to find that they were a warehouse. Too funny. I knew from the beginning that it was a scam but this was too funny. Today I received my "Secret 56 page Document" Wow it's a bunch of crap stories some underpaid worker had to actually type up. Wow my heart goes out to the Suicide attempt person, Well after being forced to write that crap maybe that's the only thing believable in the book.
Then I see the clincher... You need to pay 139.95 for a 1000 page book oh wait, I stand corrected, 1000 page heirloom manuscript. Whoa that's gotta be worth it. Lol OK, first of all I am not so stupid to send any one any money with out knowing where it is going. Sorry it does not say idiot across my fore head. The funniest thing was the "Personal" letter from " Sky Walker" would that be Luke Sky Walker? Supposedly the silent partner in the Glass Walk way in Grand Canyon National Park. I contacted the Indian Reservation that is building this sky way and they told me that there is "NO"!!! Silent partners and that they would like a copy of the letter, since there project is actually a legitimate project. Listen Mr. Hanson, if you read this, you have my address, come visit me, I am not hiding, and I will show you some secrets of my own. Listen These people are not even good at what they are doing. Avoid them or face them and lets have fun with them at their expense.

Ashaway, Rhode Island

Company: The Secret Society - Jeff Hanson - Kristen Hart
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Grove City
Address: 3357H Southpark Place
Phone: 7754126016
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