Secret Society, Jeff Hanson
Secret Society Crap And Jeff Hanson Freakin scam trying to make you feel good about yourself!


Well, I got this same letter crap from this Secret society that wanted me to be a member! Well, I thought it was quite humerous, so I sent out for the nice little book for the "Greatest kept secrets of all time" and yeah, I didnt read that book. Well, My mom told me to be careful, and my boyfriend told me that if I got kidnapped he woudnt pay a ransom cause I was setting myself up.

So I got this other book, and I was SO excited about getting my "super powers" that I supposedly had! Yeah, totally didnt work out how I had planned! I am still curious as to what these "hidden talents" that we all posess are! Is anyone else a little bit curious? And with that what is this so called profile that they read! Was that real too cause if it is I want to know who is writing stuff about me and I dont know!

I am going to send this cool secret socitey a letter about all this crap and see what happens! But let me tell you I am VERY happy that I got on to look up this stuff!

At some point I was really wondering if someone was trying to get me to join Scientology, becuase of the different levels or cycles of life! I was thinking this is freakin CRAZY!

Frederick, Maryland

Company: Secret Society, Jeff Hanson
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Grove City
Address: 335H Southpark Place
Phone: 7754126016
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