Infocom Usa
Infocom a subscription that never exsisted!


We were so pleased to find this site and many more reguarding these rip off artists. We thought we were going crazy! Did we order anything? Did the owner really already have a subscrition of this unknown product?

I remember it like yesterday.inFOCOM specifically calls businesses to renew a subscription that never exsisted.
Shortly after that we kept recieving harrassing phone calls. We never even said we would renew!

Finally, we decided to look this business up and find out exactly what we accidentlly ordered, only to find out they really are a rip off! You can only imagine our relief to know we wern't the only ones. We are not crazy.
The calls are persistant, and I can't wait for Chuck C. To call me now! They agreed to a settlement on a product we never ordered or reordered or even know what it is! How thoughtful of them!

Company: Infocom Usa
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
Address: 603 E. MAIN ST
Phone: 3363682119
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Infocom USA
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Infocom USA
Scam Artists, Annoying Harrassing Phone Calls. Rip-off!

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Infocom USA
One year later and the scam continues

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Infocom USA Rip-off Misleading telemarketing recorded phone conversation without warning unable to return product

Infocom USA
Ripoff, scam, cheaters, lying, misrepresenting, dishonest, tricky, fraudulent

Infocom USA, Inc
Infocom usa, ripoff - mislead receptionist - made it sound as if renewing subscription

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