Longhorn Charcoal Pit Restaurant
Bought my son a steak sandwich


Bought my son a steak sandwich from Longhorn Charcoal Pit in Sunnyvale, CA. The steak had a large, thick piece of glass embedded in it. My son chipped a tooth on it. Manager of Longhorn assures us he cuts the meat himself, thus there is no way there was glass in it. There was and I have the piece of glass and chipped tooth to show for it. Manager refuses my request to refund the cost of the meal and pay dental bill for tooth repair. This is pretty serious, as anyone could have gotten the glass and possibly swallowed it! Any ideas on how to get the Longhorn to do the right thing? I contacted the local Health Dept., but never heard back from them.

Company: Longhorn Charcoal Pit Restaurant
Country: USA
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Longhorn Charcoal Pit Restaurant

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