Steven Campolattaro - Stephan Compolattaro
Affordable Cotracting Dead beat Dad, Scam artist, theif, lier, forgery, theft, deceptive, Hides from own children, steals from children, wife beater, abuser, criminal


This low-life pond scum, inhuman, uneducated, narcissist is nearly $40,000.00 in child support arrears. He ran like the rat that he is from NJ to Idaho to avoid paying for the upbringing of his children, abandoning them. Pinprick has used his brothers, and fathers names to hide his business and property, also destroying their credit.

Steven has come from Idaho to NJ and poa'd my 1998 mustang convertable into his name leaving me without a vehicle. I left him in March of 1990 with a final retraining order due to his violent outbursts with my 9 month old, the dog and a 1983 mustang packed with baby things. Homeless, as my mother passed away 6 months before the sponge married me at the nieve age of 19

The Psyco took my beloved dog and hid him at his chicken coop for nearly 2 weeks when it struck me to drive over and check, to my disbelief grizzy boy was there. Left in the dark, alone without any care. He broke a puppys leg, and I still have the picture.

Sloth butchered the pig I raised from a piglet, and would torment animals, I beleive to intimidate me. I never learned to detach myself before this lesson. Self preservation.

At the beginning of my daughters freshman year of high school she was the class secretary and was doing well in school. I made the mistake of filing a motion to enforce child support, thats why he stole the car and when I told him to drive it up his a*. Let the war begin!

Ultimately it turned into a 2 1/2 year child custody trial in which he hired Claire Calinda, esq, the ocean county family civil bar association commitee head, as his representitive. After the initial medeation I informed my attorney that I could not finance this endevor and went pro se, with no legal background. I went through Pysh evaluations, drug tests, hair stand tests (negative), in-home counciling, dyfys battles, parenting classes and performed every circus act they requested, although not always willingly.

My daughters grades steadily fell: suspentions, depressions, smoking, drinking, suicide attempt, mental ward stay all followed. My flower was rapidly deteiorating. My heart breaking. She believed "daddy" when he promised her the princess life, mommy was the enemy. Dyfs wouldnt even let me take her cell phone away for bad behavior, as if it was abusive. Great agency...

After snatching a lit ciggarette out of her hand, Steven called the police, she went back to the er for a psych eval and the result was dyfs gave her permission to smoke IN my house! I have two younger children! There went parental respect.

As the long torturous trail continued Steven bought a Harley, partied, and parasited off his family, Charming Mary Turesh, the caseworker, who I later had removed from the case, as she was a drunkin banchee who accused me of pulling a knife on her and chasing her out of the house while 6 children were in my care! It was a voice activated tape machine. She didn't call the police and "save" the children after this supposed incident, thereby proving me innocent. She'll rot in Hell to.

As it turns out the useless mortal has filed both chapter 13 and 7, although by law he is not releived of support obligations he hasn't sent a dime in nearly a year. Federal law for hiding out of state to. Great government.

There is Triumph! I prevailed over that fat disgusting sow, Claire Calinda, esq. And perhaps showed the Honorable, allowed this bullshit to go on, Judge Hoffman of Ocean County Court, that this MaMa does question authority, has aquired compulsive filing disorder, stands up for her children and isn't your typical pushover, "druggie dancer".

Stay as far away from this sucubus dirtbag as you can!

Company: Steven Campolattaro - Stephan Compolattaro
Country: USA
State: Idaho
City: Chubbuck
Address: 435 East Chubbuck Road
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