Robbie Mangus Cloyd
Robbie Mangus - Cloyd Female scam, con artist Racist Men Beware


Men be careful of this woman. Robbie Cloyd AKA Howell/Mangus will use men to obtain the things she needs and wants. She loves to travel to Mexico on vacations with men at their expense and then leaves them when she has got what she wanted. She hides the fact that she is a nurse but moves from one job to another never staying in one place of employment long. She was fired by University of Cincinnati for Neglect of Care and now works for Davita in Cincinnati. She moved from one location to another since she never seems to get along with her co workers and uses this for sympathy from men. She runs from her bills and has a beacon score of 200 or less on her credit report and has to use men to obtain those items she is unable to buy. She may also travel by going on what they call being a traveling nurse. When i met her she was in debt terrible owing on her cell bill 500.00 Duke energy 350 an numerous online cash advance places and several doctor bills.

She now pays a man she dated a Mick Fehr in Cincinnati 200.00 a month to pay for a balance of 3600 dollars from a loan he gave her 3 years ago. The only reason why she is paying that back is he obtained a lawyer a Mr Levy that threatened to go to court. She also has another online cash advanced company calling her for 668 dollars that she has avoid for two yrs. She has acquired approx. 9000 dollars in medical bills from back surgery she had in Feb. Also the IRS is after her for 7200 dollars for tax filings for the yr 2006. I was married to this women for 9 months she said all the right things we got married after three weeks of i knew her (i know im stupid too) but we paid off all her debts and then she went on a buying spree on my credit cards in several months and then in the middle of the day while at work took all her things including the things she bought. She has, counting me been married four times and according to her son no one relationship she has ever had lasted longer then 5 yrs and then it seems she up an leaves without notice leaving them holding the debt. She also may be in the Dayton area since she has two sons that live there. She has no problem giving them money and buying them whatever they want since it not her money. She ran up in June 1300 dollars on my Kohls charge buy her son and his daughter and wife items.

She loves to travel to Mexico and take cruises and has no problem going with men and having them pay the bill at any cost. This woman has no respect for her mother and always puts blame on everyone but herself. So if you meet her and she wants to give you a sob story about what a tough life she had listen carefully and see how it was always the other persons fault alcohol problems or physical abuse or how they used her. She will have no problems telling you about her five yr relationship with a man name Dewain in Dayton and how he ripped her off but yet stayed 5 yrs with him. She also by the way owes thousands of dollars in student loans but that is out of default thanks to me but still makes the payments. And by the way this woman is terrible racist hates African Americans.

So if you meet this woman and you get involved and have read this article and get scammed dont blame anyone but yourself because you were warned. She is attractive and she knows how to con even the best but then isnt that what con artist do best

Company: Robbie Mangus Cloyd
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Dayton
Address: 4508 Cedar Ridge Rd
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