SNEAKY-Over charged without authorization


This is company who advertises that they will help you either find a roommate or help you list your home for a prospective renter.

They advertise that after you fill out your profile, you can only access other members by upgraded to a higher membership.

They offer 3 or 4 different plans. I signed up for a 2 week trial period. I started on July 16... It should have ended on July 30. On July 31st I went on line and cancelled it. I was very unhappy with the service, and truly believed that there never were any prospective renters (that they were all made up). I never received one response to over 70 emails I sent out.

Much to my amazment, on July 31st, a debit was entered for $29.95 from my checking account. I immediately called them and asked them to reverse the fee, as I was not interested in continuing with their service.

I went on line and noticed that there are several hundred people posting complaints against this company.

One of the complaints is that you can not get a hold of them any other way then thru email. If they do not want to respond to you, they do not.

This is the biggest ripoff I have ever seen!!! Please do not sign up for this service. Not even for a 3 day trial. One customer has had a whole years worth of fee deducted from their account.

Concerned Custome

Country: USA
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