Jonesmemorials / took money for a memorial and never supplied anything


This business will accept your order for gravestones and you wont get a thing. The owner Marcus D Jones was investigated by WHNT Huntsville Alabama channel 19 by reporter Ms Wendy Halloran. If you check BBB Nashvile
Marcus Jones - BAAAAAD News

Company: Jonesmemorials/
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Nashville
Address: 3918 Dickerson Road Suite 108
  <     >  


Half Off Stones/Jones Memorials
Half Off Stones -Jones Memorials Need a Head Stone? Don't count on it!

Jones Memorials / Marcus Jones / Half Off Stones
Thieves, con men & frauds - stay away! Jones memorials will steal your money!

Huntsville Times2
Huntsville Times 2 lies

Nae Records - Platform Entertainment
Darryl Jones, A Con Artist, I think not!
Heidi Jones took my money and never sent the belly cast kit

Stephen Daugherty
McKeon Jones, McKeon Jones Tax Service, Stephen G. Daugherty Beware of Stephen Daugherty McKeon Jones, McKeon Jones Tax Service, Stephen G. Daugherty
Heidi Jones, is operated by the same person, Heidi Jones, as, Phoenix

Rodney Jone, Era Tech
Stole money and gun parts

Wholesale King
I thought this would never happen to me!

Edward Jones
Worldcom edward Jones Ripoff