Circuit City
Replaced but with smaller Polaroid TV


Purchased 42" HD TV in March. Worked fine for a few months, then made horrible cracking and popping noises. We purchased this as our 50th anniversary gift to each other. Husband became ill and passed away in December at which time I pursued Circuit City and Polaroid. Dozens of calls were made, many appointments made for repair but somehow repair person never showed up. When he finally came, it was "past" the one year warranty — it wasn't when I first started calling. More phone calls, letters, discussions.

Finally Circuit City did replace the TV with a smaller screen and no extended warranty. We paid $1,699 for the original set, new one retailed at $999. We paid $339 for an extended warranty and none is available on the 'new' set. A net loss of over one thousand dollars. Polaroid won't touch it because Circuit City replaced the set. Never again will I purchase Polaroid and never again will I visit a Circuit City store. What is a person to do?

Company: Circuit City
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Lakeland
Address: 4212 US Highway 98
Phone: 8638592511
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What a joke!