LJ SAWTOOTH, Lee J Keltner
Bad Hatter doesn't come thru with promised dates, horrible customer relations


We went to the denver stockshow and on january 24, my wife and i placed an order for a custom hat with lj sawtooth. He told my wife she would get the hat in the beginning of may. My wife called his place of business on april 22, and left a message on his answering machine to find out what the status was on the hat. We never received a call back from him.

She then called their place of business around the 12th of may and left another message. She waited a day and we didn't hear anything back so she tried their cell phone. Sawtooth answered the phone and told her they had been in vale, co opening up a new store and he was on his way back home. He said they were behind on the hats because of the store and they had called to let customers know. She told him we had never received any calls from him and she also informed him that she had left messages at their other location. He told her he would call her when he got home and let her know the status of the hat.

We waited until may 27th and still no call from him. My wife called him on may 27th to find out what was going on with the hat. He said he was very sick in bed and wouldn't be able to tell her about the hat until a few days. She still had no idea if the hat had been started or not. She told him to just cancel the hat. She told him we really feel when you pay over $500.00 for a hat that you should care more about your customers.

We paid for the hat well in advance and the obligation of making the hat should come first over them moving to a new location. We might have been more understanding if they would of contacted us and let us know what was going on, but they made no attempt.

We would like to see the money for the hat refunded as we do not feel they are a good business to deal with and he didn't follow thru with their end of the contract in a business or timly manor.

He called me back in june and said he would like to make my hat. I told him i didn't want the hat only my money back! He told me he didn't have any money to be able to refund me. I told him i would file a dispute with the credit card company since he did not live up to his end of the contract.

I am now trying to get my money back for a hat that i don't that i ordered back in junuary. Ii know you are not suppose to assume things but it looks to me that sawtooth has every excuse in the book when it comes to getting people their hats. It looks likes he tookd orders for hats and then built a new shop instead of working on customers orders, kind of like putting the cart before the horse.

Company: LJ SAWTOOTH, Lee J Keltner
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Salida
Address: 249 W. Rainbow Blvd
Phone: 7192214648
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