AT&T Wireless


I have found numerous charges on my wireless bill, dating back to January by 2 separate third party companies. These charges total /- $510.0
When i contact AT&T, i just get the run around. They will neither remove these charges, nor refund my money. After some research, i have discovered that i am FAR from alone.

Company: AT&T Wireless
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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AT&T Wireless
Fraud and scam

Virezion Wireless / solow Text Charges
Text charges to cell phone and verizon wireless in partners

ATT Cingular Wireless 3rd Party Billing Scams & ATT is part of the scam by hiding amount in other charges

Byte Spike LLC
Consumer Report

Cingular Wireless
ATT, Palisades Collection LLC. Cigular Wireless Charges Roaming Charges On NON ROAMING PLAN

Consumer Report

Att Att Wireless
Att wireless defrauded me & mislead me beware they will lie

AT&T Wireless
Ripoff dishonest fradulent billing practices Sacramento

Email Discount Network, Llc
Company engages in telephone biil "Cramming"
ESBI Third party phone cramming charges for services not provided or agreed to.internet