Conseco Insurance Company
The "CON" in conseco is so appropriate! After 17 years I file a claim, They give me grief!


I have carried a cancer, icu, and cvu for 17 years with first Capital American then with Conseco after they took over July of my husband suffered a heart attack, and was taken to Northern Michigan Hospital in Petoskey, Mi. 49770. He was treated for 3 days in the Cvu and released. I filed all the necessary paperwork Conseco requested and was issued a check for 2 days. No problem!

Since September until july my husband has been in the same Hospital 13 times. He has had 10 major surgeries, of which two of them he was'nt expected to live through. The last major surgery lasted 141/2 hours and he recieved 22 units of blood!!!

As a result of these hospital stays 3 of them were spent in icu and cvu. Now this is where it gets interesting. This policy pays $250.00 per day, plus other charges of drs. Visits, medication, certain procedures, blood, etc. The first stay was from 3/19/08-4/10/08.1 day was spent in icu, 8 days in cvu. Next visit on 4/29/08 total of 3 days in cvu. Next visit again in cvu on 5/21/08 total of two days. I recieved a check for $265.00 dated 6/28/08. For the last stay of 5/21/08. Same Hospital, same units, billing clearly shows cvu stays. How can they justify doing this. Is this not " FRAUD?" Similar case in Texas!

Company: Conseco Insurance Company
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Carmel
Address: 11825 N. Pennsylvania Street
Phone: 8005412254
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