RJM Acquisitions Funding LLC
9 yr old debt for 532.61 from fingerhut (its a tent) want me to pay it, also there on my credit report like 4 different times not for this one though


After 9 years they are wanting the 532.61, they say they bought the account from fingerhut. I have not heard anything about the fingerhut account in about 8 and a half years. Is this leagal for them, also it says there is a presence of a collecton action or judgement on 2 of my credit bureaus,

They are trying to get me to settle out with one lump sum of 213.04 or another option was 319.56 at 39.95 a month or option 3 is 19.97 a month till the full amount of 532.61 is paid. This account could possibly even be 10 years old, its been so long. All in all it was for a 2 room tent. Are there limitations in new york stste? I have to respond by august 29.

On the back of there invoice it says nothing about my rights, there are 5 states stating there rights and it also says its not a complete list of rights consumers have under state and federal laws. Could someone please help me out with som info, by no means am i a slacker i work 2 jobs, i was married when i had the fingerhut account and she kept the tent anyways.

Company: RJM Acquisitions Funding LLC
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Syosset
Address: 575 Underhill Blvd. Suit 224
Phone: 8008860026
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RJM Acquisitions Funding
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Don't have an account with Fingerhut, never had an account but they reported bad credit on my report