RJM Acquisitions Funding - Fingerhut
RJM Acquisition for Fingerhut ripoff. Account paid in full 6 years ago. Now shows up on Credit Report

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I received a copy of my credit report a month ago only to find an old Fingerhut account has resurfaced through RJM Acquisitions collection agency. This account was paid off 6 years ago and I've even had a new Fingerhut account since then.

If they think they'll get another penny out of me, they have another thing coming. So I called RJM and asked for proof of this balance. They read me something from an address over 10 years ago and asked me if I had proof I paid it off. I'm not the one to use profanity but I wanted to "rip out his eyes and spit down his dead skull" (Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men. But I refuse to sink to their level. So I will go dig in my basement for proof and when I find it they're gonna be some sorry S.O. B's. (oops I said I wouldn't curse).

Company: RJM Acquisitions Funding - Fingerhut
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Hauppauge
Address: P.O Box 11154
Phone: 8008532497
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RJM Acquisitions Funding
Ripoff Has a unordered merchandise scheme going with fingerhut Has been hounding me for years about merchandise that I did not orde

RJM Acquisitions - Fingerhut
RJM Acquisitions Fingerhut ripoff consumer fraud ripoff

RJM ACQUISITIONS FUNDING Collecting For Fingerhut ripoff


Fingerhut Corporation - RJM Acquisitions Funding LLC Assignee Of Fingerhut
I have never had a fingerhut acct. And they want $211.72 to be sent to them

RJM Acquisitions Funding
Fingerhut Fraudulent information on credit report reported by Fingerhut to RJM Acquisitions Funding

Rjm Acquisitions Funding
RJM Acquisitions - Fingerhut collecting on an account in 2005 which was already paid off from 1996 ripoff

RJM Acquisitions Funding LLC - Fingerhut
RJM Acquisitions Funding - Fingerhut LLC ripoff

RJM Acquisitions Funding
Fingerhut ripoff never had an account, they say I owe $1,515.00 and want to offer me a credit card to pay it off

RJM Acquisitions Funding - Fingerhut
RJM Acquisitions Funding LLC / Fingerhut ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing and collection