J.B. Hunt Transportation
Lease program/shattered dreams lowell


I came into this mess full of hope for the future of my family and the hope of being the boss. But the snake oil salesman at j.B. Lied and overly stated what could be accomplished in the persuit of my dream of truck ownership. I signed my lease 6 weeks ago and i have almost made enough money to pay for a nice cardboard box for us to live in.

First 2 weeks broke even week 3 was very good, then myself and a company driver went to harmon, pa to pick up same load (allen my fm said could not happen). Since he arrived at 7am and i arrived at 4pm i let him take load. Caught 9 kinds of hell for that, so i wanted another fm, well this has gotten me 1,000-1,500 miles per week since

So now the dream is slipping away and i am powerless to stop it, from happening. I quit j.B. Last january as a company driver and no one would hire me with 10 years of experience and a clean mvr they blackballed me with dac report and lo and behold j.B. Calls i can own my own truck so i jumped with both feet now my family suffers while i pay all the bills for j.B.

About to be home less, indigent but i have a non-paying job thanks for the call (cona rtist) from j.B. Hunt

Company: J.B. Hunt Transportation
Country: USA
State: Arkansas
City: Lowell
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