NT Society
"Nuova Tech" Talented and convincing scam artist Nevada


It is unfortunate that the scammers behind the NT Society use their writing talents to take money from vulnerable people.

When I received their first letter, I was in a vulnerable state of mind recovering from spending a short term in psychiatric care. As you can imagine, i was quite needy of what they promised. So I returned the first order to get the 56 page booklet, even though a little skeptical.

Having received the booklet, I was horrified that they were offering mind reading abilities, reverse hypnotherapy, magic money making skills and a "10 second miracle" technique. How on earth can you, I imagine, repeat something to yourself and in ten seconds 'change your life'. All of this come from hard work and studying, or sheer lottery winning random luck! Not from reading a 700 page approx manuscript!

On a funny note, thinking that us receivers of the letter are stupid, do they seriously think that there is a 76 or $150 etc overhead for printing their book? I don't think so

Anyway, i never replied to them this time, so I took a chance to miss my opportunity to slot into the 'Second Stage' or whatever, which was a ONE TIME ONLY opportunity. Guess what? A few months later, today, they're trying their luck again.

I will always be curious how much brain washing they have done on people who paid, that's if they even send them a 700 page book in the first place. But convincing writers they certainly are! If only they used their skills for education:)

United Kingdom

Company: NT Society
Country: USA
State: Other
City: Henderson
Address: 850 South Boulder Highway
Phone: 0017028910302
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