Patrick L Hardiway II
Deadbeat Dad


Patrick L Hardiway left me when I was 7 months pregnant, my child was born in december. I have contact child support and provided them with his SS number. But he still hasnt tooking a DNA test he's trying to avoid doing it because he afraid. Patrick left virginia and went home to denvor and stop answering my phone calls. I called for 3 weeks and a woman answered and said this is his wife dont call my husband again.

Then in March of this year, she sent me a myspace message saying "i guess you found some one else to pend that baby on, yes i'm happy here with my man and we just had are baby boy, then I recieve a yahoo from him saying he was sorry, but I have not talked with him and he never came to court.

Company: Patrick L Hardiway II
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Denvor
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