Haunted Ebay Creepyhollows Uamd All Paranormal Con Artists
HAUNTED EBAY CREEPYHOLLOWS ALL PARANORMAL CON ARTISTS scared the pants off consumers with threats of evil


I lost over $500 to prove my case. My best haunted items cost under $20 and were gemstones. We all wished that we could have a ring that makes all our problems disappear and the amount of hard earned cash consumers are shelling out on Ebay to the con artists is one to research. The consumers have money to burn and the con artists are ready to pounce. Consumers can't get in a pissing contest with a skunk and a tangle of fraud and lost cash is inevitable.

When I was a little boy I had a high school teacher who taught me a thing or two about the paranormal. I won't say hauntings don't exist but you'll never find the paranormal on Ebay or online stores. The greed and filthy tricks con arists have up their sleeves removes any paranormal activity and makes it a showdown between con artist and their quench for the green and I don't mean the go green kind.

Some of the con artists have set up shop off Ebay to further their bank accounts and scare the pants off the consumers who trust them. There's no harm in a little fun if it's fair market value and doesn't cost more than $20. Honest metaphysical dealers never charge more than $20. The big-ticketed con artists retain the services of a huge shill bidding organization. You might have noticed the huge bidding patterns some of the more noticeable sellers get. No, their paranormal items aren't anymore real than the little guy making $20 a pop. The difference is the involvement in the big business shill bidding organizations. Con artists use the buy it now options to make their haunted items seem more noteworthy. The cons report it to Ebay and mutually agreed not to carry out the sale and receive their listing fees back. It's a marketing tool the con artists are known for.

On a more serious note there are consequences for getting deeply involved in occult activity especially when it's centered on greed. We all know greed is evil and the higher the bids and the more friction it causes and costs it's inevitable that the thing you won will bring some kind of bad luck. The networks are flooding the airwaves with new paranormal series and it's entertaining. Some of the programs are based on real life paranormal events and that's why you don't see anyone in the series bidding or paying huge amounts of cash for haunted items. The con artists are no dummies and they bank on the fact that people are gullible.

With the rise of network shows con artists are hoping for more business but there's a lesson to learn from the shows consumers watch. There are no scenes airing consumers buying djinn or paranormal items. The programs have to have credibility and would never survive the cut if the producers took their cues from Ebay's haunted village or other laughable and sometimes harmful sites.

There are places that are truly haunted and don't cost a dime to visit and if that doesn't work for you I have some rocks in my back yard I'll sell you for $100 a pop. Seriously consumers shouldn't get involved with the greedy con artists and will avoid the bad luck that happens when greed is involved. If it sounds to good to be true it is unless you are one of the con artist raking in the dough and laughing all the way to the bank. Now that's evil.

Company: Haunted Ebay Creepyhollows Uamd All Paranormal Con Artists
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Site: uamd.org
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