Creepyhollows UAMD
Defamation and ripped me off for $300 new york


Creepyhollows and the UAMD are up to their old tricks. The UAMD never shut down and they joined with CH underground to run a scam-defaming shill bidding forum. The lady creepyhollows said there was no such thing as good djinn two years ago and told anyone who would listen djinn and the vendors who sold them were evil. CH customers busted her for buying off so she spun a story telling her customers it was no secret. CH conjurations are as fake as she is and she would't know the truth if it hit her in the face.

CH threatened to leave Ebay and close her store because they pulled her auctions for copying off a game site. Her store was suspended for three months and her story about it being her choice was another CH lie. Many of the posters posting the crap on her forum are on CH gift list and get more crap gifts from her for shill bidding. CH and her gang have more than one name and pretend to be real buyers. Yeppa creepyhollows is full of hot air.

The shill bidding that goes on among her pact of con artists thieves is totally outrageous and they do get away with it because the IP addresses are spread throughout the USA and surrounding countries Ebay can't track it. The UAMD are alive and kicking and their ringleader is CH. Let the shill bidding began. Don't ever give out your personal information or sign up for her auction site. She'll use the information later to blackmail you. Customers stopped purchasing from CH so she executed a new strategy plan. CH cleaned up her forum and removed the crappy remarks posted about vendors.

She replaced it with nice comments in a plan to become friendly with successful sellers and gain their customers. Once she reels them in she'll turn on vendors again like a bucket of cold ice. CH is one to talk about ridiculous auctions. She has some of the lamest auctions on Ebay. She's a battle-ax and her supporters are doing her dirty work. Without a forum as a crutch she'd have no customers but hey the lonely hearted have to go somewhere. CH is a good marketer but she doesn't know anything about the paranormal.

The UAMD and the CH chain gang are shill bidders and customers are bidding against the vendor and their gang. The high stake shill bidding organization is another avenue they take. Jinnandtonics and bncsellers are trusted vendors and have been falsely accused slandered. I sent CH over $800.00 and received fake merchandise and she wouldn't give me a refund.

Company: Creepyhollows UAMD
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
City: Nationwide: 331997
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