ULC Solutions
Unauthorized Credit Charges


I am just writing to inform others and back up those who have already complained on here that ULC Solutions is charging Credit/Debit cards without the knowledge or authorization of the card holder.

My husband unfortunatly is the shopaholic in our family, but when he noticed the charge for 11.95 on our account and knew it wasn't from him he asked me. I myself have not purchaced anything (in stores or online) since Feb. 2008 (other then the nessecities) That one item I purchaced was a bed set from JC Penny's, little did I know that a month after that purchase our account was charged for something I had no knowledge to or wanted in that matter.

So my husband called the bank, where they cancelled our cards, we had to call ULC Solutions. I called and demanded our money be refunded where the sales man proceeded to cancel my account that was opened without my knowing, refund back to my card that I never gave him the number to, and then proceeded to try and resell me the rewards plan. When I madly denied he then told me cause I had been such a good customer that I was eligable to recieve a $100,000 life insurace plan for only $8.00 a month. I lost it and snapped, told him to stop trying to sell to me and just refund my money! I was told that it would take 7-10 days.

I just hope that something is done about this, obviously Im not the only person who this has happend too and I agree with one woman when she said if this isn't illegal it should be! And not only am I writing this, Im telling my friends, family, neighbors, anyone who will listen, and JC Penny's just lost another customer!

Company: ULC Solutions
Country: USA
Site: ulcsolutions.com
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American Credit Solutions
IS A RIP OFF ripoff business from hell

Bio-Molecular Solutions Memitol
Fraud, theft, dangerous

E-credit Solutions
Ncs (a.K.A.) E-Credit Solutions Rip-off

E-Credit Solutions (ECS)
Stay away from e-credit solutions! Ripoff! Very rude, refused refund!

Royal Credit Solutions
I gave them a check for a card I recived no card just a package Maryalnd

FUN FAMILY REWARDS - Stonebridge Benefit Services - JC PENNY
SB Fun Family Rewards Charged my credit card account 9.95 each month

Stoneridge Benefits Services/SBS Family Fun Rewards
Total Rip Off From JC Penny and Family Fun Rewards

Royal Credit Solutions
Ripoff of 298.00

J.C. Penneys Fun Family Rewards
Fraudulent Charges on my Credit Card—SB Fun Family Rewards - $9.95

Best Payment Solutions
Ripoff, deceptive, liars, fraudulent, scammers, RIDICULOUS!