Sheer Cover, Guthy-Renker
Be Sure To Read The Fine Print Introductory price is a hook for the bait and switch


I saw an ad on TV for the introductory kit listed for $9.99. I ordered one for myself and one my daughter from the website. When the product arrived, I saw my total billing price was over $200 to be charged to my account in 4 payments. I called the customer service number and was told I had "upgraded" to a 90-day package. I never clicked a button to upgrade anything. I sent an email to the customer service stating that I felt that their ad was misleading, fraudulent and employed the bait and switch technique. The reply I got was a quote from the checkout page where it does state that you are enrolling in a program and if you keep the product, you will pay full price. I admit I should have read it more carefully, but I didn't. I am not an ignorant person. I am college educated. If I didn't notice the caveat, how many others didn't either? What I find very interesting is that you have a 60 day money back guarantee, but only 30 days to return the product to avoid charges. I think that this company relies on people listening to the ad and not reading the fine print. I fell for it. The sad part is that I love the makeup, but I will not do business with this company ever again. I hope that they honor their 30 day return policy and I am not charged. Didn't PCH, BMG and Blockbuster end up in class action suits because their promotions were deceptive in much the same way?

Company: Sheer Cover, Guthy-Renker
Country: USA
State: California
City: Palm Desert
Address: 41550 Eclectic Street STE 200
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