ITV Direct - Natural Cures
Itv Ventures BUYER BEWARE - Rip off Company only wants your money FIRST - STILL WAITING FOR REFUND


I bought the Natural Remedies and discovered anything greater. Terminated the merchandise simply to achieve a solution device seeking to depart your title and quantity to get a return phone (never occurred). I obtained the merchandise 8 weeks later. Delivered the merchandise following a week efforts of having an agreement rule to come back the merchandise for "prompt" reimbursement. SUBSEQUENTLY, I get billed for tablets used to donot purchase. The merchandise was allegedly obtained in January to approach a credit. You are able to contact and keep in touch with a person support and you'll obtain a differnt ansewr each time. Then I contact challenging my income. I told 2 period to get a credit less $22 for delivery and handling. Does not charge but $8 for shipping. Then your income doesn't come. It's today May. None of my cash continues to be returned and customer support is working like they'll choose when to return. I'll have it "someday this month"... Exactly what a laugh.

People, don't purchase any product from itv. They're an infomerical organization promoting whichever item simply to keep your cash. They don't wish to return an item they market.

Company: ITV Direct - Natural Cures
Country: USA
State: Maine
City: Beverly
Address: 55 Cherry Hill Drive
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Natural Cures A.k.a. Kevin Trudeau
Natural Cures A.K.A. Kevin Trudo charges for product but never ships it... Product is also a lie Informercials

Natural Cures
Kevin Trudeau Ripoff Dishonest Billing, No Reply, No Product USA

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Natural Cures Kevin T. / Don Lapre
Natural Cures / These are marketing masters if used morally they would do alot of good USA

Did not refund money after product return

My Health Offers
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Biotab Nutriceuticals
They ship product on trial and keep shipping a product that does not work. They will not refund your money

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