Golden West Publishers
Golden West Publishers - book publishing


I made a contract with Bruce Fischer at Golden West Publishers to get my book published with an ISBN number. It's called Treasure Maps of the Superstitions by Amy Mosier (maiden name). I checked with the BBB and authors to make sure he didn't have complaints against him. He didn't At first they said they couldn't publish under Golden West, but they could under their subsidiary The Book Studio, which means I would have to pay $6000. It said in contract I would get an ISBN number. I qualified for a credit card with that amount, came back, signed a contract in Nov. 2005 and it was written that I would get my books by Feb they didn't have a galley and they told me to come back later. A week later when they said it was ready I came in when really it wasn't ready. I asked them why they had me come. They couldn't give me an answer. The cover wasn't ready either. It was just words no color. It was like they treating my book like a joke. That my stuff wasn't ready by contract time didn't concern them. I kept coming back when they asked. Finally my book was proofed well after Feb. Then they said my books were done. I came in and they said they weren't in the publishing house and the typesetter hadn't delivered them June I got my books. When I got them home, I learned that my books didn't have an ISBN number. This number is for the large chain bookstores (ie. Barnes and Noble) to inventory and reorder. I had to settle for ma and pa stores. I didn't tell the publisher about his because his customer service sucks and I didn't want to wait another six months for my books. I already know he doesn't care. I thought I would try to sell my books anyway. I tried museums in Phoenix and the internet. I didn't sell many. I had to settle for Bookman's at $2 a copy. The stores I put them in couldn't reorder without the number. I had to call them instead of them calling me. I'm also upset that they put Golden West as the publisher and not the Book Studio. This means they should've paid for it. They didn't put my book on their website to help me sell it. I want a check for $6000 so I can give to the credit card. They don't have complaints with the BBB but they do now.

Company: Golden West Publishers
Country: USA
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Golden West Publishers
Sucks Not a good publishe

Golden West Publishers
If you publish with Golden West, you’ll regret it ripoff

Publish America Book Publishers
Rip-off! Frederick Maryland

They misled me into believing that they promote the books I wrote and that they would be available in stores

Publish America Book Publishers
I wrote a book and they published it. It is filled with errors and it is more like a journal. I am very upset and asked for a refund of 285.00 but they refused and will not take back the books

Publish America
America House - PublishIcelandica - PublishAtlantica - PublishBritannica Deceptive business practices advertising, fraud, scam, rip-off, unprofessional

Authorhouse Publishers
Ripoff they took my money to publish book, their check bounced, they put in on ebay as generic with different cove

Publish America
Publishing troubles

Author House, 1stBooks Publishers
Author House Formerly 1stBooks Publishers Ripoff Failed to file quarterly reports did not pay royalties as per contract lied about number of sales