Authorhouse Publishers
Ripoff they took my money to publish book, their check bounced, they put in on ebay as generic with different cove

Education & Science

I had Moments in Time (poetry book) published. I paid them eleven hundred dollars for it. I had to have my son do the cover as they were terrible. Still had to pay for the cover later.

They have sold over 100 books to my friends on the Poetry Workshop, relatives, and friends. They have it on and Barnes and Noble. They sent me a four dollar check and it bounced. I had to pay the bank more than the check.

Now it is on ebay as a generic form with my ISBN numbers in a red cover, not mine. It is half price. They didn't ask me or anything.

They were called First Books, then changed their names to AuthorHouse.

I have contacted them, they will not get back to me other than saying I sold four books. That is a crock.

What can I do? I want it off of ebay, I didn't say they could do that.

Company: Authorhouse Publishers
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Blomington
Address: 1663 Liberty Drive Suite 200
Phone: 8885195121
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Authorhouse publishing company
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