Sylmark, Inc
Abslide / Rip-off... Grateful for this web site


First, I'm very grateful for this web site & everyone who has contributed, wish I had known about it before! My wife ordered an Abslide as a Christmas present a few days ago via the 800 number advertised in TV infomercial. I got bad vibes when she told me the order taker tried to sell her several other products/services, and even needed "permission" from a supervisor to sell only a single Abslide! Anyway, total charges she agreed to were around fifty dollars.

I check our account online regularly, and just a few days later a saw a charge from Abslide over $240.00! I called the 800 number listed on the bill (1.800.259.1679), and actually got to talk to someone, but they said computers were down and they couldn't access any info. Suggested I call back later in the day or tomorrow. I called back several times same day, always got to talk to someone, but always same answer.

After doing some web surfing & finding this site, I called once more (same day), this time to 1.800.796.4431. Again, spoke to a live person, got same "computers are down" answer. Decided I'd better start documenting things, so asked if I could please have the name & business address of person to whom I was speaking. The person (young man) was very polite, but said he'd been instructed to give only first name & phone ext., no address. When I asked why, he said because a lot of people on the phone get quite agitated, and threaten to come down and kill people!

Next step is California Better Business Bureau, there's a report elsewhere on this web site that gives the address. Good luck to all, I think we'll need it!

Company: Sylmark, Inc
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: 4929 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 570
Phone: 18007964431
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