Legal Mediation Practice - Daryl Green
Threatening jail time, Unethical, Intimidating, Just totally upsetting


In August I got a short term loan (the electronic deposits in your account) and there was a certain date they were suppose to take the money out of my checking account. The date came and they took more than they were suppose to, so I went to my bank and they went after the extra money that wasn't suppose to be taken out and recovered it. They then tried a few more times to take more money so I finally just closed the account and opened a new one. To my knowledge (and as far as my bank account showed) this debt was paid off. I haven't heard anything from them since the last time they tried taking money from my old account, which was around the end of 2007.

Towards the end of 2007 my sister got a phone call from someone within this company and was asking her about me and told her why they were calling about me, etc. She then called me and asked why I gave her name and phone number for this. I told her I didn't but she didn't believe me and we got in a big fight about it and didn't speak for about 2 months. This is wrong to do this.

This evening (March 27) around 6:30pm. I received a call from a number with a 904 area code and I didn't know who it was so I sent it to my voice mail. The person who called left me a message and I then listened to it and it was this man named Daryl Green from Legal Mediation Practice and his message was "he wanted to inform me that a formal complaint was filed against you in the state of Pennsylvania and by law I have to give you details at that point I wants to give you a chance to exercise your rights and the chance to clear your name before his client executes their rights" after that he preceeds to leave his return phone number and extension and then says "we have made a finally decision. This is time sensative and this is not a solicitation call, good luck". Well, of course I got very upset at this message. I wrote the name and number down and called him back immediately.

When I reached Daryl Green first he told me that our conversation was being recorded then he told me that there was a formal complaint filed and the amount was $520.00 I needed to pay. He told me that his clients have sent me numerous messages (mostly by email) and that my bank has sent me two messages in regards to this. I haven't been able to retreive my email for about 2 months and prior to that I didn't see anything from them, and I haven't received anything from my bank in regards to this. He told me that he doesn't know anything about that, he just knows what they have told him. I told him to my knowledge that debt was paid and he told me evidentally it wasn't. I told him that I don't have that kind of money and he told me don't ever say that again because this conversation is being recorded and just by me saying that gives him grounds to terminate this call and preceed forward with having me arrested tomorrow morning by 11:00am. He then asked me if I understood and then he asked me if I wanted to hear about my rights and I said alright (because Iwas so scared). He told me that I need to have this paid in full by 11:00am the following morning (March 28) or I would be arrested at my place of employment and he thought that I would really want to save myself that kind of embarrassment. He told me that the charge pressed against me was going to be (I can't remember the exact legal terminology he used) that I intentionally "wrote a bad check" and that it was a Class I and that I was going to go to jail. He told me to call everyone in my family and get them to give me money or a credit card number so that I can pay this off tonight. He said he was going to be there for another hour or so. He told me that he was going to call me this morning but he decided to check into my history and see if I had done this before and when he saw this was my first time he wanted to give me the opportunity to make thing right and clear my name. I told him that I would try to talk to my father and see if he could help me. He told me that he needed to speak with my father to get the credit card information or bank account information, whichever he was going to use to help me.

I hung up with him and was very upset. I was shaking and crying hysterically. I didn't know what to do. I called my father and spoke with him and he was trying to get me to calm down because he was afraid (as well as my children) that I was going to have a stroke. (the doctors believe I had a mini-stroke approximately a month ago and I am only 37 years old). We really beleived I was going to end up back in the hospital again.

My father agreed to give him the credit card number. My father told me to give Daryl Green his number and have him call. I called Daryl Green back and told him my father would help and that he needed to call my father to get the credit card number and then told me that he needed me to fax a signed paper from my father, with his signature on it and he told me word for word what to write on this paper. He told me that if I wanted to put the credit card number, expiration date and the 3 digit security code on this paper that I am faxing to him then he didn't even need to speak with my father. He told me that he wanted to make sure that I had the correct amount and then he told me it was going to be $540.80. It went up $20.80 in just 15 minutes. My fathers girlfriend works in a magesterial office and said this doesn't sound right and a close friend (who works for an attorney) called Daryl Green and said that she was my legal representation and he told her that he can't speak with her about my case unless he gets something on her attorney's letterhead. He asked her "how do I know that your not taping this conversation?" What would it have mattered if she was, if this was all legitimate? She told me to check this company out on the computer and that is how I came to this web site.

I felt a lot better after reading all the reports on this website about this company. I'm sure my blood pressure has dropped alot since I found this site. People like that shouldn't be aloud to do things like this. Someone needs to stop them and I wish I knew how because I don't want to see anyone else go through the emotional trip this guy put me through.

Company: Legal Mediation Practice - Daryl Green
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jacksonville
Address: 1919 Blanding Blvd
Phone: 9043873187
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