I paid $27.00 for a kit I never received, and the phone # only lets you leave a message, they never return.internet


Boy they really got me. It was so interesting and totally made you believe.

Well I used my debit card thank God. I just can't keep much money on it anymore. What's a person to do?

I have been scammed about 20 times now, it's terrible. I'm disabled, and really need to find something for a income.

To think they don't even care what they do to people like me is unthinkable. I wished I could find a way to let them know what they have really cost me.

That money was to me like about a $1,000 to most people. If anyone knows what I can do let me know.

Company: Typing4dollars
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: typing4dollars
  <     >  


Bomdiggity ripoff typing ads for income scam Stole my money Did not honor terms of agreement

I got a fake email private message from millionaire Dates. I went to find out who it was i got onto site to find the person and reported the person i got booted off the site i paid 3dlrs for the site

Communications Publishing
Ripoff, I am Disabled and limited icome, i paid $23.90 for a book and never recieved it. They stole from a poor person. New York

Work at Home Scam! Work from home

Consumer Report


HealthyRightNow.com - Selmedica Healthcare
Rip Many Aka's To List Ripoff Scam Took money No delivery of product no response from customer service

RTS Bus Service
Overcrowded Buses

First Choice
Ripoff Worldwide

Boycott them