Benefits USA - Consumer Health
Phoney caller offers insurance coverage


I am writing to say that this company seems to not exist. I, too, was offered insurance, asked for my bank info and then charged 2 different charges (99.95 and 69.95) for 7 months w/o my knowledge, as I cancelled the so-called coverage before 24 hours was up. They still took my money. FInally I stopped payment to them through my bank and got a refund for 3 months, but that still leaves me with over 500 in loss. This company??? Is bogus! Be aware.

Company: Benefits USA - Consumer Health
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
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Health America / Health Assurance
Wake up people! Do not use health america

Humana Health Insurance
Humana Medicare Advantage. Humana cancelled my alzhiemic mother's coverage after 10 yrs of not needing the covarage when finally she needed it

Benefits USA, LLC D/b/a Consumer Health Care Access
Mislead regarding their product and ignored guaranteed cancellation

United Health Benefits
Bill coles lied from word 1 about the coverage

Humana One
Humana insurance company. Just by our dental plan we are " humana one " hate us later...!

Wawanesa Insurance Company USA
AUTOMATIC RENEWAL, auto insurance, Auto Renewal, RIP OFF, Collections, no notice

E&O Coverage Ripoff with cancellation fee. It is not disclosed It takes 3 months to get refund. When you get it they charge you undisclosed cancellation fee. This company is part of all this insurance scams

Humana Gold. Humana Canceled my Medical Insurance without warning

Crossamerica Health Plans Multiplan National Congress Of Employers
Deception in Health Insurance benefits

Starbridge limited benefit health plan
Starbridge health insurance Starbridge "pretends to loose insurance claims"