Amazing Products International
Greatest Vitamin in the World - Don Lapre


As with all the folks on I also have been scamed. What I want to know is what are we going to do about it. I have been in contact with the support department that they have firnished me with. I still get no action. They have informed me that they have sent my request for a refund to the accounting department, which they have no phone number for. And that it will take a while to process for me to be patient. Well I have been patient for 4 months now, and nothing. What do we do to get our money back from this company? I would love to get involved with a class action lawsuit against them.

Company: Amazing Products International
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 3112 N 30th Ave
Phone: 8664727408
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Amazing Products International - Don Lapre - The Greatest Vitamins In The World ()
Amazing Products International - Don Lapre - The Greatest Vitamins In The World? Took My Money and Disappeared

The Greatest Vitamin In The World Don Lapre, CEO
The Greatest Vitamin In The World Don Lapre, CEO Greatest Vitamin In The World Let Down

Don Lapre - the Greatest Vitamin In The World
Don Lapre-the Greatest Vitamin In The World ripoff has not refunded my money have promised to refund in april it is may now

Don Lapre The Greatest Vitamin In The World And Amazing Products International
Fast talking hype, a slick set-up, and promises of big $ rewards = A BIG RIP-OFF!

The Greatest Vitamin In The World
Very Disappointed and feeling very ripped-off

Don Lapre Greatest Vitamin In The World
Don Lapre Greatest Vitamin Rip-off In The World Is this guy still in business?

Greatest Vitamin In The World - Don Lapre
Ripoff Scam

Donald Lapre, The Greatest Vitamin In The World
They swindle me out of $1390.19 for something that doesn't work. I just want my money back from this company and the CEO / Preisdent Don Lapre. Or i will take legal action and file a lawsuit against Mr. Don Lapre, for false pretense

The Greatest Vitamin In The World-Amazing Products
The Greatest Vitamins In The World-Amazing Products Ripoff

Greatest Vitamin In The World, Don LaPre
Greatest Vitamin in the World, scammed me out of almost $700, lied about refund, and then closed business. Yes i would love a class action lawsuit!