Yor.com Aka Yor.net Aka Ixb.net


My boyfriend had someone come up to him on the street, asking him if he wanted to make money, etc. He called the number, and 2 weeks later (2 weeks...?), someone called asking him the same things and to come in to join the team. He hung up all excited, but he couldn't tell me what it was about when I asked him. I heard him ask on the phone, but they skirted around the issue with phrases like "exciting opportunity." So I decided to go with him.

I thought this was going to be an interview, because they told him to dress up. We told the woman who met us outside the building that we had dinner plans (it was 6:45pm) for his birthday, and I asked how long it would take. She said once inside, it would be a brief presentation. Then she brought us to the end of this long line, at least 30 deep, that was leading up to the building. She seemed uncomfortable when I stuck around, but I finally got her to say ok for me to go in, seeing as this wasn't a one-on-one interview.

We waited outside for over 2 hours. Every 15 minutes, she'd say just another 15. It was supposed to start at 7:30. We got in at just before 9. I wanted to leave while waiting, but my bf convinced me to stay because we were already there and had waited that long already. They played club music the whole time, and showed a video that they claimed you should be taking a lot of notes on. But the video just kept saying: got 2? (As in, 2 paychecks)... And things about how everyone wants to be a success. Nothing factual. No product. And the people in the crowd were creepily yelling things out at the same time, like, nice, yeah, right on, yes, that's right, etc. I KNEW it was planned when at least 5 people called out, "so true" at the same time right after something on the video. And no one had uttered that phrase before, so what the hell are the odds?

Suddenly, I noticed that of the 80 or so people in the room, I was the only white/caucasian person in the entire room. Literally. (my boyfriend is dominican). This made me very suspicious, and even more so when the speaker in the front kept pointing out different men in business suits saying, when I first met him, he had dreadlocks and was hussling on the street corner. They were specifically preying on people who had grown up on the streets, giving them false hopes that their product could change you, too, just like it did for this guy. People they could relate with, as my bf did. When it was all over, it was almost 11pm. I was starving and pissed, so I left while my bf was busy talking to "managers" who asked for his SS# and bank info and about $400. Luckily, he didn't give them anything. But he said 4 different people came up to him and specifically asked about who I was. When he responded that I was his girlfriend, they all asked how long we'd been dating. Like if we had just started then maybe my opinion wouldn't influence him as much as if we were long-term. Then 3 of the 4 people said something along the lines of, "it's not good to bring people here. You know, family or friends. They might discourage you and bring you down." my bf was already skeptical, but these comments sealed the deal and he met me outside.

Incidentally, the man who spoke at the beginning said something like, "Why were you guys waiting outside for that long? It wasn't supposed to start until 9!" WTF!?!? Why didn't that lady tell us that when we told her about our plans?
As perpetually happy and nice as the "employees" seem to be, I couldn't believe how heartless it was for this woman to let my bf and I basically miss out on a birthday dinner. It's our fault for staying, but she kept saying it wouldn't be long.

Also, the speakers kept talking about how everyone just went to Mexico and all these other places, so I asked the woman who was with us about it. She seemed uncomfortable (again) and said unfortunately she couldn't make it, but all her friends did and they had a great time!!! My bf asked a few more people about the trip, but they all said the same thing. Did anyone even go???

I left this 4 hour nightmare not knowing a damn thing about the product. How are you supposed to sell what you don't know? They literally kept repeating that you don't need to know HOW it works, just that it DOES work.

This place is very cult-like. It creeped me out. And all the posts on this site that are in defense of the company are even more disturbing, because it really sounds like the same person. Even if it isn't, clearly they have the same manipulated thoughts on the company that appear to be force-fed from one source - namely, the company itself.

Company: Yor.com Aka Yor.net Aka Ixb.net
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: Manhattan
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