MWI Homeworkplus
And Personalgains unauthorized credit card charges


Companies wrongly charged my credit card with membership fees.

I was going to pay off my credit card when I noticed my balance increased over 300 dollars; this was a surprise because I hadn't charged my card in almost a year. Homeworkplus and PersonalGains charged my credit card for annual membership fees. I have never heard of or received anything from these programs. When I called these services I was told to fax my credit card statement to their compliance department and then rudely disconnected when I asked what company was in charge of these programs.

However this was only the tip of the iceberg. For the past 8 years I had been in the U.S. Military with the majority of the time stationed or deployed overseas with an APO address. After going through my credit card statements I found I had been charged by these programs and a similar one since 2001.

After consulting several of their customer service operators I found that these memberships were listed with my overseas APO address and an old telephone number during my first duty station. When I asked who activated these memberships I was given the answer of "someone in your household"; there is and never has been anyone else in my "household".

When I checked out the homeworkplus website, the only one I viewed because personal gains does not have one, I found that they don't even offer the service to overseas APO locations! I have been paying membership fees to a program that has never contacted me or given me any kind of written notice and one that I wasn't even eligible to use. I wish I had paid more attention to my personal finances when I was deployed.

According to my credit card provider they can only dispute the recent credit charges up to 90 days and for the charges over the past years I must work directly with the merchants. I have yet to hear any word from the umbrella company MWI of Homeworksplus and Personalgain.

Company: MWI Homeworkplus
Country: USA
State: Nebraska
City: Omaha
Address: 9500 West Dodge Road
Phone: 8886817212
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Island Recreational
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Sincerely Silver
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HDI Connections

Mwi*homeworkplus -*galleria Usa - Homework Plus
Homeworkplus - galleria Usamwi - Usa charged my bank account without authorization
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