Oklahoma County DHS
Finding out that the bible belt has the most liars


Well for starters I will tell you that I married the wrong woman for me. When I met her she was going thru a dhs custody battle on her two kids, had an std that you could not get rid of (herpes) and in an abusive relationship. I fell in love with her for the wrong reasons and leads me to today. We were working on fixing our relationship when we had a car accident in oklahoma city being from georgia on a trip to find out she was pregnant.

During the time here in oklahoma city we were not allowed to travel because of our injuries and her pregnancy.in feb we had a son named DeJuan Jr who was having some problems medically. The whole time of his stay at childrens hospital we had appointments of our own from the injuries in the car wreck. We were advised by the staff at the hospital that we should stay at the shelter in Oklahoma city to cut costs of motels that we were staying in. As childrens hospital was treating our son they would force us to make decisions on our sons health from only one doctor even if we asked for a second opinion on what to do about our sons health.

While I was looking for new options for our sons health care the hospital called dhs saying that we were not trying to take care of our sons health because we did not agree with all the treatments. One that we fought with the hospital about was feeding. They wanted to use a tube even if he was eating when it was not up to their standard. We were scolded by staff for feeding him in between their feeding times even if he showed signs of being hungry.

When they used the feeding tube on him we watched as his stomach would be so full that the fluid would come out of his mouth and nose almost choking him. At that point I wanted to do a hospital transfer. That evening I was approached by the hospital security was the rumor that I was kidnapping my son from the hospital. Later on I found out that if you bring a child to childrens hospital in oklhaoma that you are giving that hospital custody of your child giving the doctor the right to do what ever they want.

The next day we were visited by the state investigator for dhs. He asked for my information on my job and where we lived. I provided my moms address since we lost our home being in oklahoma. I also worked for my uncle with his trucking company before the accident while starting my own business also. When the officer left he informed us that our son was now in oklahoma custody for deprivation and not allowing medical treatment. He also informed us that we had a court date the next day to see if it was a lawful adjudication of our son. We got to court and the referee informed us that it was lawful without even asking us one question or asking if we had counsel.

Later we found out that one of the nurses had like the way our son looked and filed for guardianship the same day we were at court. We got our court date but was not allowed to see our son till that day. Every court date that I attended was met with ridicule for not providing for my son and they filed that we were not trying. We both got jobs in oklahoma city even against doctors orders, found a home, started the treatment plan that they said was needed.

After about two court hearings the documents for our case started to read wrong with false statements as well as new things that were not even apart of the case. We started to find out things about how to work the system to get our son back and they would change our caseworker. The current worker flat out told me that she does not believe that I should get my son back in front of my wife then would only talk to her about the case. One day she came to me crying saying that the case worker said that she should leave me if she wants to have a family.

During that time she became pregnant with our second son. The case worker told me that if we want to keep him out of the system that we should find a family member to take custody of him. Every family member we went to turned us away because oklahoma had police over at there homes and jobs saying that if they took in their family they would end up in jail. To add even more insult to the hurt, when katrina happened i was not allowed to house any family that had children at home, even my daughter that I have not seen since coming to oklahoma. The case worker then started to work on my wife saying that I did not care about my kids that is why I did nothing for family when the hurricane hit (on a side note, my dad's dad lost his ssi check for almost two years when the state said he was dead but he was on the news as one of the people rescued on camera.) So we constantly questioned each other to the point that we started drifting apart.

I was trying to help her get the boys back even after she left me but I feel that the case worker who is an ex cop is telling her that she should make me look bad to the judge by getting me arrested on lies and even going around town using those lies. I have witnesses that have tried to show cause in court but the court room never hears a word of what is really going on. I have provided documents that are never seen, witnesses, and other people that have dealt with dhs in some form but it is not ever heard or seen.

Well today my wife is pregnant for a man in jail for molesting a child and the courts allowed her a vpo on lies but I can't get one on truth. She gets all the help in the world for getting the kids back and I get to hear that they will terminate my rights. I never had to fight this hard ever in my life and I did things most people have never accomplished like the first to score perfect on the ged test, got my cdl at 18 with a trucking job, scored perfect on the asvab for the military with the dream job in satellite communications, and to make even more things that I have done that was a fight was to own my own trucking company at the age of 21. Every lawyer I have talked with will not even try to help with my case or even give me any hope but I know that truth is supposed to prevail right?

Del City, Oklahoma

Company: Oklahoma County DHS
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Oklahoma City
Address: 6305 N Classen
Phone: 4052488289
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