United Fulfillment Bureau
Worse than a scam, we've lost everything waiting!


Last February I put my home on the market to buy a buisness.in March we found united fulfillments web site and filled out their questionaire. The following day we got a phone call that we could get $300,000 in grants if we let them do the work and write it. I know grants are available, so I thought $300 wasn't that bad to have them write it. They auto debted the money 2 weeks later so I could have time to get the money. I had been on disability 6 months and took everything I had and paid for it. Then it started.

The info package was complicated and took a long time to complete because I had to basically write what goes in the grant application. They lost the first one so I had to submit a new one. It was now September.

The lady I am trying to buy the place from is 71 on a fixed income and really counted on either my house selling or the grant comming through. They had a guarentee so we both figured it was almost done. We did a lot of work to the place so when the money came through we could open. The deadline for the money came and went and still no money.

Now we are in the middle of bankruptcy, lost our home, and are still trying to find a way to open this buisness. Fortunately, the lady is really trying hard to help us get it, but she needs out. Not only did this mess us up, but her as well and I think that sucks!!!

Somebody... Help! Get these people before they hurt someone else. I've lost my life and am now basically out of luck. False hope is one thing, a false guarentee is illegal, isn't it.

Company: United Fulfillment Bureau
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Denver
Phone: 8664249115
Site: usgrantstoday.com
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United Fulfillment Bureau
Basically this company ripped off a just out of the hospital on a budget, woman who had just had a baby off

United Fulfillment Bureau
This company is listed for grants regarding small business grants. I filled out my information and sent $299.95 back in 2! Big scam!

United Fullfilment Bureau
United fulfillment bureau fraud, took $299.95 from me for school grants back in mid june and still have nothing from them. Denver, colorado

United Fulfillment Bureau
United fulfillment bureau took $299.95 out of my acc. Plus $24.95 for s.&h. For a lists of grants. They lied. Ripoff! Lakewood co

United Fulfillment Bureau
It's a SCAM they asked for $299.95 and when I call the "customer service" there's no answer since March

United Fulfillment Bureau Center
A family barely making it, United fulfillment took our money, with no remorse!

United Fulfillment Bureau
Predators, liars, rip off for $300, fake address, no grants from these people

United Fulfillment Bureau
They are ripping off people for $300.00!

United Fulfillment Bureau
Out of Business per BBB Ripoff

United Fulfilment Bureau
Took 299.95 from my checking acct, claiming government grants fee