Dallas Aircraft And Jet Sales - CARL NEUZIL
Dallas aircraft and jet sales beware: carl neuzil of dallas aircraft sales steals and lie


Aviation sales

Jet Aircraft Research and Sales

Dallas Aircraft Sales Job for Carl

If you are reading this ad run. Beware of this one man shop company you will be taken advantage of. Take a strong brother, husband, uncle, dad, son, cousin and possibly your attorney with you to meet with this guy; he will use you, run over you and take advantage of you!!!

What ever you do get everything in writing up front don't believe this snake you will find yourself stressed out. This guy complains about everything, everybody he puts down everyone. Just thought i would warn you. He has no respect for women. And will fault you for everything. Will waist your time. You will never see a dime of commission and should you decide to work there document everything, everything.

Ask him a direct questions and you will get the run arounds. From personal experience he is a thief, big pretender, hypocrite and liar he has stolen unrelated labor and ideas from a many employees. Someone tried to warn me and i didn't listen. Good luck!

Ask him how long has his current employee been with him, then ask have they made any commissions yet. Revolving door. You are commissioned but any other office duties you are required to do are free??? User!!! Here is your background check on a snake.

Whatever you do - don't quit your current job to go work for him!!! Get it all in writing up front!!! Don't feel sad for him, he is not to be trusted. Talk about negative energy he broke the record - he is so negative. Whatever hell you are going through now - i guarantee you it's really not bad compared to this guys crap.

Will have his office friend listening and spying through the walls - will illegally view your emails and break your privacy rights. If you want to get stung by a company get stung by one with some benefits and some real assets.

Compensation: You Will Never See A Dime

Dallas aircraft sales - warning note
Addison, Texas

Company: Dallas Aircraft And Jet Sales - CARL NEUZIL
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Addison
Address: 4400 Glenn Curtis
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