Barbara Lynn Hosang
Dead beat dad? Dad beat to death by ex's trickery! Of is a dead beat mom


I'll "try" to be brief. I married Barbara Lynn Major Hosang twice. She got tired of me and divorced me twice. We had 2 sons together, one is now 13 and the baby is 8. I loved her more than life itself, I did everything I could to keep her, but I just wasn't worthy; she was a princess raised by wealthy parents...
But she knew I was poor when she met me.

The second time we married, my elderly parents wanted us to stay together and raise our boys so much that they second mortgaged their house of 40 years to let us buy the house Barb just "had to have" to raise our kids in forever... The terms was pay my mom and dad $281.00 per month, which I did. Then, Barb said I was 'stale' and kicked me out, moved some young punk in a few weeks later, and never made another payment to my folks at all—leaving them to pay $600.00 per month, their payment and hers. (of course, I tried to pay them something but was left broke, she had everything.)

She filed for divorce and started getting prepared for the big day in court. She has this one outfit that she only wears to court, it's your prim and proper Mother Goose looking garb, and it isn't typical Barb! She has a voice that you only hear when she is speaking to a Judge or officer of the law, it is sweet and fragile sounding, so innocent and feminine... She must have been Captain of the Drama team in school, because she can put on quite a theatrical production when she is sitting in that chair next to "YOUR HONOR"... Has to be the Judge's Honor, cause there certainly isn't none on her part while up there!

But. The court awarded I pay $308.00 per month child support, she keeps the house my parents bought but pays them $281.00 month for the payment to be made. She keeps the new washer and dryer my folks bought US and is still paying for themselves.
She gets the kids, the furniture, the new car. I left in a 1970 Ford LTD; well, what's left of it...

So, a few months pass, my folks are telling me that they haven't seen a cent and are having to make both payments STILL...
Barb calls me, and she reminds me of the Barb I met 13 years before.

"i am afraid me and our two children might end up homeless because your mom and dad will take me to court and put us on the street. David, the only bill i have a problem paying is the house payment, could you pay your parents the house payment and just give me the difference between $308 and $281?"

I thought, 'well, mom and dad would be free of the payment, Barb and the kids safe in the house...' and told her okay, but shouldn't we put it in writing and have a notary public look at it and stamp the seal?"OH... You want it on paper, with a witness, from the mother of your own 2 children"... She got all offended and started wimpering.

So, I let it go. Things went smoothly, I honored the agreement. Then... She got fired from star manufacturing in st. LOUIS, "allegedly they popped a random drug test on her" but that is hearsay from a mutual acquaintance.
Barb had been arrested for sales years before, not ME—BARB. I was working 2 jobs and she was home selling drugs to undercover agents...

So, she gets fired and all of a sudden, I am notified by the Child Support Enforcement Agency in St. Louis that I am going to go to jail if I do not pay the almost $6000.00 in back child support to Barb Hosang. I explained it, but was informed "Too bad, so sad... YOU KNOW IF YOU TRUST OR LOVE PEOPLE, YOU'RE GONNA GET SCREWED" (basically that is what they subtly told me). And I am, getting screwed. And I did know, I guess I just didn't want to lose that last shred of hope that it didn't always work that way... I've lost it now. So, I will have given her $600 per month after paying it back (somehow)... Because I paid her house payments and now they're hitting me with this.

So... Just because you hear a man called a deadbeat dad, don't be so quick to assume he is... He might just be a dad beat to death by an ex wife's revenge and trickery!!!

Any help from reliable sources is welcome, please no propositions for relationships; that is the last thing I want and need now. Thanks for at least letting me vent publicly, and pray I am not sitting in city jail, St. Louis, by the time this is published.

I am innocent, but already been accused, tried and convicted because the one who learns how to bend, break and get around the law the best wins... You win, again, barbara lynn major hosang. Congratulations... I just pray neither or both of the boys pick up on your evil ways. David

Company: Barbara Lynn Hosang
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: St. Louis
Address: 2720 McCausland
Phone: 3145037559
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