Earth Mortgage
Obtaining Application fees prior to giving Quotes in writing


Loan officer quoted me rate and payment over the phone. He then obtained credit card information and billed me $385 for application fee. The next day I received an email with a quote much different and higher than what I was quoted on the phone. Loan officer lied about it the next day and made me several promises of what he "could do for me" over the phone. I spoke with manager who quoted me several other "deals". I asked both of them to put it in writing, neither one did. I made it very clear that I expected a full credit for the application fee, I never received that. I made a written complaint which was answered with "I will talk to loan officer to see if we are at fault". This company is a rip-off!!! I made the mistake of giving credit card info over the phone. Please don't make the same mistake I did!!!

Company: Earth Mortgage
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Plano
Phone: 2144832600
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