CRS, Inc. LSS, Inc


January 16, I opened my door to a young man who was trying to earn points for a prize contest. He was a semingly nice student, and a darn good salesman. I ordered Popular Machanics from him as a gift to my husband. Now, almost one year later, I still have no magazines and no answers. I only lost $72, but I don't like dishonesty and I don't want others loosing money.

Company: CRS, Inc. LSS, Inc
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Aubrey
Address: 4800 Hwy 377 S
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Lone Star Subscription - CRS
Cashed my Check for Magazine orders, never received magazines

Always Helping People, Llc
Instead of helping people, this company is stealing people's hard earned money! They should be ashamed of themselves!

FIdelity Reader Services
Fidelity Reader Services I purchased magazines from young kid going door to door for contest. Never received magazines RIPOFF

Face To Face Technologies
Miami dream team Energetic young girl knocks loudly at my door selling magazines to get points to win a trip to Italyfor college

Great Lakes Circulation
Ripoff selling magazines using young kids for door to door soliciting

Always Helping People, LLC
An individual selling magazines door to door trying to earn points for a trip, I never received the magazine I ordered and the website I was given does not work

FTFT Magazines
Face To Face Magazine Sales scammed me into buying magazines by taking advantage of my busy schedule by making it impossible to refuse their service

Crs, Inc. C/o Lss, Inc
Crs, inc. Crs, inc. C/o LSS, IN I ordered a magazine from a door to door salesman and never received it

R L A Inc. - Kenmore Sales Co
Door to Door salesman claiming my purchase will earn him points towards a European trip

CRS Inc., LSS Inc
Did not receive magazines I subscribed to and payed for