John S. Crisafulli, Esq
Bad lawyer, worse law guardian, thinks he is the puppet master. New york


John S. Crisafulli, Esq. Is a lawyer who also works as a law guardian. The Judge appoints him to represent the children in a case. The clients are ordered to pay him $200 an hour. He then pressures the parents to come in for weekly counseling sessions for 2 hours at a time, for which they are billed $400. He spends these sessions trying to act as marriage counselor (which is futile in a divorce case). He spends most of the session speaking very slowly, pontificating on his own marriage, and glorifying himself as a husband and father (which isn't true, one son doesn't even speak to him). Sitting through these sessions is torture.

Each parent is pressured by their attorneys to attend these sessions, each being told that "it will look good" before the judge, and will give them a better chance of getting custody. The whole thing is a ruse for Crisafulli to make money. He spends zero time with the children, no time trying to get to know them, or asking them how they feel or how they want custody and visitation worked out. The children do not like him. They don't feel comfortable talking to him, least of all confiding in him.

Crisafulli actually said that he decided who should get custody, not based on parenting ability, but based on who got to their counseling appointment on time. What does this possibly have to do with it?

He thinks he is the puppet master and he must be stopped.

Company: John S. Crisafulli, Esq
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Syracuse
Address: 214 North State Street
Phone: 3154719151
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