Florillicorp.inc trucking co
Ripoff, dishonest co. From hell rip-off scam dirt bags


The florilli trucking co should drop the tr. And put in f. So people will really know how they are... My husband drove one of their suppose to be great trucks and was done bad when he would not put up with it any more. They told him to drop his p.O.S. Truck in b. Ham at the petership dealer and not to bring it to iowa to their yard... And then put on his dac. File he had abandoned the truck and he has a paper showing to do just that... So dont ever work for this co... Unless you are willing to get screwed... They are a bunch of conartist... And liars from hell...

haleyville, Alabama

Company: Florillicorp.inc trucking co
Country: USA
State: Iowa
City: Westliberty
Address: 1440 co hwy 141 haleyville al. 35565
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Florilli trucking corp.&mike maguire
Florilli trucking corp mike maguire ripoff liars have paper work to prove it west liberty

Florilli Corp mike Mcguire
Florelli Trucking ripoff tricked and lied to us, screwed others too, evil dirt bags deceptive company Iowa

Lester Coggins Trucking - LCT
They lie and Destroy a drivers reputation

Campbell trucking Northfield min
Mike Fox Ryan John Campbell This so called trucking company is nothing but the biggest rip off scam EVER

C & F Trucking
Refused to pay last check

S K Crosby Trucking Company
S k trucking company scandalous good for nothing will rip you off

Lester coggins trucking
Dishonest trucking company

Campbell Trucking
These are modern day crimnals. Mike Fox

Seventy Seven Ltd Inc
Trucking refused to be responsible for damages to my ca

Jpr Trucking
JPR Trucking won't pay me for the 2 weeks I drove a truck OTR for them