Quicken Loans
Step on the little people michigan


I, like alot of the people at Quicken started at the company with such great enthusiasm and drive to be succesful. I drank the Kool-Aid and believed in all of the Isms I even quoted them at home. I was totally dedicated and made Quicken first to my children, husband and home life. I completely lost a year and a half of my family life to this company only to have this company turn it's back on me when the Mortgage Industry took a dump.

I endeared the long hours the threats of what could happen if you did not come in on the weekend. My director told us that weekends were mandatory if you where behind pace. He would even question us (the team) if we did not stay longer than 5 hours on a weekend. He would question our commitment and would tell us that we did not want to be succesful. He told me that succesful people do whatever it takes to get to the top even putting family second to the job. I can't even begin to count how many times Myself and my team where verbally and sometimes physically abused (pens thrown at you or footballs, tennis balls, anything he could grab if he didn't like what you where saying on the phohe) by our director. It became to much for me to stay on this team, I was transferred to a much better team with a great director, I have no complaints about him.

I honestly would put no less than 60 hours in a week into that job come in every weekend and then August hit and I got the performance letter in the middle of the month telling me that I had to get 14 books back by the 24th of the month, I at the time had 2 back, even the bankers that had been there for years and where President Club bankers had 5 back at that time. I couldn't stand it.

My RVP pulled me and other bankers that where on letter, into a quick meeting to tell us that we will not be getting any fresh leads or app calls. So basically they set us up for failure they did not want us to hit our number on our letter. Thats when I completely turned off, I spent all this time at this company tooting it's horn, sticking up for it, spending more time there than with my family and this is how they say thanks. Talk about stepping on the little people.

Dan Gilbert does not care about the people who dedicated themselves and their personal lives to his company he completely turned his back on us and denied us Unemployment, How does he sleep at night knowing that he took many a job away from people who where supporting a family.

It's so funny to me that he is completely downsizing his company just a few months after having a meeting at Schoolcraft College telling the Laurel Park Power Plant the plans for the growth of the company year by year, and how Quicken was going to be the number one company by a certain year. What happened to that idea of conquiring the world.

Obviously I am no longer with the company, and it is such a relief. I have moved on and I am gainfully employed but I felt that I needed to say my piece on this company and how they treat people who work very hard and give up alot to work there. The Ism "Do the Right Thing" was my favorite, I just wish the company would abide by it.

Good Luck to all that still work there.

Company: Quicken Loans
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Livonia
Address: 17187 Laurel Park Dr
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