For all you kasamba users Beaverton


I spent A LOT of money on Kasamba, maybe a couple of thousands. Stupid? YEAH. There were times when I had asked for a refund, but Kasamba did nothing. But that's all in the past now, all I can do now is share with you my experience. I'm not here for drama (as what I found in a lot of the forums previous). I am here to present to you my own personal experience with each EXPERT I had used. Whatever you do to the information I present to you is totally up to you. (I'm going to go one by one looking at my history list)

PennyC: 19.90 USD/minute - made a prediction of an event that was supposed to happen. She described the guys I was supposedly going to meet, their names, how they look like and how I will meet them. At that time it seemed impressive, but did not happen at all. She also predicted that the guy in question is in-love with me, said that the reason why he and I aren't together is because he's been hurt in the past. Sounds familiar? YOU BET. She gave a date when he's supposed to come around, never happened. When asked, she just moved up the date.

Michael Gordon: 4.85/minute (now Michael G). Okay, this guy was an interesting one. First time I used him, he was accurate on describing the guy in question and was able to provide me his PHYSICAL description (unlike all the other psychics who say "I can't see physical appearance as I read on energy"... Oh please!) So that was impressive. His predictions did not come true, and when asked why, he would just move up the date. But when I asked him to describe for me an event that happened in the past, he was quite accurate, not 100% but about 90%. So though his predictions do not come to past, when asked to account for a past event, he's quite good. The next few times I came back to him, his readings weakened, felt like he was making stuff up.

Shoshone: 1.87/minute. I personally love this woman because even though her prediction never came to past, she is just so genuinely caring. I know she's not in it for the money. She's more of a friend to me than a psychic expert. She's someone I can just chat with when I'm feeling down and she gives me advice. She's awesome. I respect her deeply.

Jasper13f: 1.99/minute. She never made any predictions but did give me insight on my situation. She seemed to be reading from a book, understandable since she uses Tarot. I dont have much to say about her.

Mystic Diana: 1.99/min. - generic stuff. Prediction did not happen needless to say.

Voodoo Love Queen: 8/min. Where do i begin. No connection time, just asked to hire right away. She just said things I wanted to hear. I asked her what the guy does not like about me. And she said there isn't any. Oh please. I know I'm not perfect. Anyways, she said that she'll do a spell for me for free. I told her that I do not want a spell if it means manipulating him. She said it's not manipulating him since he already does have feelings for me and just needs to be pushed into letting me know. Lol. It's been months and nothing's changed. Predictions did not happen.

Psychic Vermont: 4.98/min. Took a lot of time to connect with me, ensured that I was comfortable. Some given information were wrong but I felt she was telling me the truth. She said the situation will be cyclical and will be frustrating for me. She was right.

David-james: 6.99/min. LOL okay... Generic. Generic. Generic. He did say I was gonna "bed" him. It clearly didn't happen. He seemed rude when I asked what the guy in question looked like (to verify his reading).. He said "don't you know what he looks like?" LOL, clever.

Psychic Aurora: 2.99/min. Predictions didn't come to past.

Jesska Filiu: 8.49/min. She is seriously very disappointing. She does NOT give connection time, doesn't even ask for your question. She tries to guess what your question is. It wasn't until the clock was already $56 then she goes "what is your question?" I can't believe I was so stupid to continue on with the reading. I should've closed it when she wasn't hitting the question. She made a prediction about him proposing the year after, which is completely ridiculous because he and I are so young. Needless to say, he did not proposed. (It's been a year).

Kevins Karma: 15.9/min. (now known as Honest by nature). I was impressed b/c he was able to pick out the initials of the people in question. This was of course before I read several reports here saying that there's a group where these experts exchange information, so this must be how he got their initials. Now that I'm reading it over, not only did his predictions not come to past, but the info he was giving me at the time was FALSE as well. Totally made it up.

Fruno: 3.99/min. This guy seemed nice, so he earned my trust right away. His predictions did not come to past. Now that I look at it, his words could've applied to anyone. He took advantage I must say. How disappointing. Totally FAKE.

Mysticenchantess: 4.99/min. No connection time. But i hired anyway. Pure BULL*T. So generic that I closed the session right away before she could continue whatever bull*t she was trying to make up.

LadySerene: 5.70/min. I asked her to look at a situation from the past (a situation that happened a long time ago that happened behind my back) because I wanted to know what took place. A few months later, confrontations happened and it turned out that her information was wrong.

Katharine: 4.99/min. She doesn't ask for your question right away, instead she tries to teach you about metaphysics. I suppose that's good if you're up for a chat but when you just want answers it might be frustrating. She was the only one who said he did not have feelings for me but made a prediction about me and him being in a relationship by December this year. So I don't know yet.

SpiritSpeaker: 8.99/min. Lol. This was a RIDICULOUS reading. He predicted that the guy in question and I will kiss in a month around a lake. He clearly watches too many romantic movies. Prediction did not happen. I knew it would not. For $8.99/min. What a joke.

Lidia: 9.99/min. Totally made it up. Generic made up stuff. I did not let her finish b/c she started going on about divorce papers..

PatheFinder: 0.75/min. She acted as if she genuinely cared, wanted to know what happened. When I was describing to her the situation, she got frustrated and closed the window on me. Lol. I tried coming back but would not reply back.

Amber humphreys: 8.75/min. I have nothing bad to say about Amber. She's really sweet. She was my most recent reading and what she predicted so far have happened.

Experts I used that I did not pay b/c I refused to hire:
OneGoodSoul - GENERIC.

HighPriestess - oddly enough, her chatting style is similar to that of OneGoodSoul... Her reading is also generic.

TruthSpeaker - LOL, she refused to give me service. I should be thankful that she saved me money. She's totally rude though... REALLY REALLY REALLY RUDE.

JenniferW - claimed to give me a FREE reading because she was giving me bad news. Alright that's fine with me, but if you can't describe the guy in question or say something that I ALREADY KNOW to verify your statements, then don't expect me to believe you. She got annoyed with me and started swearing... in her words i was "f*ing ungrateful" Yeah, I'll really believe your words now. (sarcasm).

Jesska Filiu: 8.49/min. She is seriously very disappointing. She does NOT give connection time, doesn't even ask for your question. She tries to guess what your question is. It wasn't until the clock was already $56 then she goes "what is your question?" I can't believe I was so stupid to continue on with the reading. I should've closed it when she wasn't hitting the question. She made a prediction about him proposing the year after, which is completely ridiculous because he and I are so young. Needless to say, he did not proposed. (It's been a year).

Thewizardstar - she refused to take my call b/c I was too skeptic she said and that I did not have an open mind. (if you're so great, why don't you prove me wrong and give me TRUTHFUL predictions?)

Karma apple - got information wrong

Psychic beth - now that i think of it, i think she's actually kinda real, i wasn't sure why i didn't hire at that time.

Psychic aura magic - generic.

Fabreez - generic.

Psychic services by laura - somehow she closed the window before we even "connected" then she wouldn't take my call.

Golden eye - got annoyed with me i tried asking for more questions and closed the window.

Psychic chat with sandina - did not take my money but gave me a helpful advice

I used to have an old Kasamba account, which I had deleted before I made a new one which i used for all the psychics above. I don't have the history for all the psychics I used in my old one, but this is what I can remember:

Joel - tells you what you want to hear. Predictions didn't happen.

Reflectivesoul - first reading came to past. The readings after did not.

Sara fina - prediction did not come to past. Generic.

Master z - HE WAS AN EXPENSIVE ONE. He could not give me specific information... info could apply to anyone!!! Predictions did not happen.

Gypsy raven - interesting read. I can't say whether her predictions real or not as it will happen 3 years from now. (she won't say what she thinks you want to hear)

Mystic Lady Jade - generic.

CindySD - oddly enough, some of the information she gave were downright accurate - physical description and such. Though, predictions did not past.

—thats all i can remember from my old account -

ANYWAYS, I know how addictive psychics are. Please think twice before hiring them. Often our emotions can override our logic. If predictions do not past, do not go back to the same reader to ask what happened because chances are, they'll get it wrong again. Secondly, do not look for confirmations by going to more readers. WAIT and have patience. If it does not come to past, then there's your answer (that the expert was wrong). There's no need to look for verification by going to other readers and spending more money. SPENDING MORE MONEY WILL NOT HELP YOU GET WHAT YOU WANT.
If you're emotionally unstable, talk to a friend or a therapist. Not kasamba's psychics. DO NOT WASTE MONEY.

Anyways, I just want everyone to know that I AM OFFICIALLY DONE WITH KASAMBA. All this is now behind me. I have heard enough from other people's complaints and how badly this company treats their consumers (by rejecting to gve refunds or to listen to people's complaints). I'm posting this report and will not look back to this nor will I ever use Kasamba ever again. Thus, you can re-post and rebuttals if you want, but I will not reply and probably won't read it since this is all behind me.
Good luck to all of you especially to those who still uses kasamba.

toronto, Ontario

Company: Kasamba
Country: USA
Site: kasamba.com
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Live Person / Kasamba
False Psychics False psychics make wrong predictions and exchange client information. Beaverton

Phony Psychics - Golden Eye - Zhohara - Love Psychic Penny, REUNITES LOVERS IN MINUTES, Voodoo Love Queen, Edith OLeary, Want to waste your money? Want to be told what you wanna hear? Contact these psychics now

I hired tons of kasamba psychics, and they were all wrong Tel Aviv israel

Awful scam!

List of "psychics" which predictions never happened Worldwide

Keen.com Californiapsychics.com California Psychics
Keen.com California psychics.com California Psychics Keen is full of frauds. Are there any real psychics on Californiapsychics.com?

Live person
Kasamba fake psychic, accurate psychic, scam psychic, Francois Villeneuve, Spirit Amy, ladykimberely


A List Of Psychics That Gave Me Wrong Predictions Some of the people on the list promised certain things would happen with respect to a relationship. They were all wrong

Kasamba - truthspeaker ripoff