Credit Line Gold Card
This company called me and said that i am approved for a $2.500.00 gold card limit. They never mentioned it being just online buying and never mentioned that it was not a visa nor mastercard


I recieved a phone call while at work from a sales agent stateing that i am pre-approved for a credit card. One that has a $2,500.00 limit on it.

It was never mentioned that it could only be used online and was also never mentioned to me that it was not a visa or mastercard. The only thing they really said was that "this will highly help my credit"

I tried asking questions and they basically beat me around the bush till i gave in. After reading their website i feel like i have been scammed because they told me something completely different than what their site told me.

I am not happy at all. I want my money back IN FULL. And would also appreciate my overdraft fees refunded as well. I was told that if my account didnt have the correct amount that they would not be able to pull the money out.

Company: Credit Line Gold Card
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Largo
Address: 3665 East Bay Drive Suite 204 24
Phone: 8883832282
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First National Credit
Pre-approved gold $15,000 credit limit its a scam. Thank you Report

US Gold Line
Applied for a credit card, link says US VISA gold line they gave a me credit line for online purchases

Aspire Visa
Ripoff lowered my credit limit based on my spending habits!

First Bank Of Delaware - Tribute Mastercard (gold)
Closed account with no warning. Received a letter a month later. I do not care about paying balance but not the fees they charged me when I had good credit with them. Also had several credit increases

First National Gold Card
I fell for it! It's been 2 months and I have never received my gold card with my already approved credit limit of $15,000

Freedom Gold
Ripoff attempt

Usa Credit Gold Card
Usa gold credit card

First National Credit
First National Credit: Is this really a "real" credit card company? No

Platium Trust Card
Lead me to believe that this was a VISA card with a 9,500.00 that I cuyld use for my own personal use not advised that this was a online shopping card only

Credicorp Inc
Misleading Credit Card Offe