NSBA - National Small Business Alliance
A scam resulting in no satisfaction no money and no personal contact


On 7-5-07 my company recieved a phone call from NSBA, I agreed to pay one dollar ($1.00) to look over their material. The next thing I know, I find out that they pulled the $1.00 from my account on 7/5 and then pulled another $149.95 out on 7/12 and then another $359.40 on 7/30.

At this time, I called and cancelled this account, and put a stop payment on my account (which cost me $25.00) to keep them from drafting any more money out of my account. I was told to send the packet back and that within 30 business days they would refund my money. I recieved a letter telling me that this account was cancelled on7/30/07 and that I would recieve my refund.
I followed up on 9/13 with a phone call (and had to be on hold for over an hour) only to have the operator tell me that it would be 30 business days and for me to do the math, she wasn't paid to do math... VERY RUDE!

I looked at the return reciept of when they signed for my package return, and counted it up. On Sept. 18 my check should be sent. Well its now September 27 and I still have not recieved it... So I called again at 12:28 and held until 12:51 only to have them pick up the phone and hang up on me without saying a word... I immediatly called back and at 12:55 a lady named Tracy answered. Before I could say anything she said "your check has not been sent yet but I can register a complaint for you" I asked her why they had taken so much out of my account in one month and she said that they take $359.40 out annually, and when I questioned why it had been $510.35 if the cost was $359.40 she sarcastically said "because they bill annually... You know once a year"... After a few more sarcastic remarks, she gave me a supervisors phone number to call and told me not to call her number again, call the supervisor. I immediatly called her supervisors number and got a voice mail telling me to leave my name, member number, and a phone number and they would call me back... The catch was that her voice mailbox was full and I would have to call back later... What a ripoff... When you run a business you don't have time to hold on the phone all day for a run-around the hillside. Will I ever get my money back? Or is the next step to file a lawsuit against NSBA?

Company: NSBA - National Small Business Alliance
Country: USA
State: California
City: Cathedral City
Address: P.O. Box 1630
Phone: 8005066722
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National Small Business Alliance
Still will not refund any money they took out our of bank account Washington

NSBA National Small Business Alliance
Ripped me off for the money i work hard for ripoff

National Small Business Alliance
Misled at puchase sent package back for refund two days after they recieved it they illegally took $359.40 from my account!?

National Small Business Alliance ripoff they took money out of my account without my consent or phone notification

National Small Business Alliance
Lied to and Ripped Off by the NSBA, DC 20004

NSBA - National Small Business Alliance
213 days and still no refund

National Small Business Alliance, NSBA
National Small Business Alliance, NSBA Customer Support is Bogus-We got your money-Tough-Very Difficult to Get Refund, Suite 200

National Small Business Alliance - nsba. - Romy Schlaffer
National Small Business Alliance, nsba. Romy Schlaflernational Small Business Alliance, nsba. Romy Schlaffer I got scammed and I don't even have my own business! Sos!

National Small Business Alliance - NSBA
Ripoff, refused to refund my money or call me back

National Small Business Alliance
NSBA stole $149.95 from my account 8 days after initial contact/never sent the promised literature