Common Wealth Marketing Group (USA Credit)
USA Credit Scam Artist and Liars


USA Credit did it to me. I check my checking account online everyday. And on August 14 about 12:03 am my time. I saw a withdrawl from my account of $149.95 that USA Credit had taken out which left me -$97.95 along with overdraft fees up the butt. I called my bank right away and they helped me file a claim against USA Credit. I called USA Credit the next day and talk to Holly a customer service rep. But before that my wait time was only susspoed to be 6 min. It ended up being 20 min. Holly said that I could get my money back but there was a $35.00 processing fee and I would only get $114.00 that's not good enough. So called them back my wait time was agian 7 mins. I hung up the phone and called them back again and this time it was only sussposed to be 10 mins. Ened up being 23:24. I talk to Renee told her that this wasn't right I counted on that money being there because I'm moving to Rochester, NY in 13 days and I needed every bit of it. She said there was nothing she could do for me wrong thing to say to me I got pissed off. I'm a disabled person and I only get paid once a month. So anways I got a message from Cindy a supervisor from USA Credit left a message saying that Renee left my case across her desk and wanted me to call them back and reslove this matter with them. I went online last night and filed a complaint with the Better Business Buearu of PA. And someone else has filed a complaint with Better Business Buearu PA against USA Credit and they have one unsaitisfactory report so far. I called USA Credit back today the supervisors name was Diane she was no help to me at all. First of all she asked me if I would drop my claim with the bank that they would refund my money back. I told her no way in hell I metion to her that her company has 876 complaints against them on she said that the people complaining don't know what they are talking about and USA Credit monitors I also told her that I filed a complaint against USA Credit with the Better Business Buearu of PA. She told me if that made feel better to go ahead and do it. Then she called me a liar saying that I did fill out a appilcantion to them. I said no that it was only sussposed to be a pay day loan but that I wasn't approved so when it got to there site I tried to leave and uncheck the box and it wouldn't let me because my computer sometimes freezes. She was trying to force me to go online to www.USA just so she could prove me wrong that I did ask for the funds to be decuted from my account and I never got an e-mail saying otherwise. Because of her rude behavior I said lady you are treating me like I was stupid and you can call my cell phone as many times as you want to but I'm not answering and I said thank you and hung up. After that I went to and saw that the samething happen to someone else accept they called the FTC. Well I did to and filed a complaint against USA Credit. Thank you to whoever it was for the idea. Then I called my bank back and the claim specialist suggested that I call USA Credit back and pretend that I dropped my claim against USA Credit because they my bank wanted to see if it would be faster if USA Credit would return my funds or if the bank would be faster. So I did spoke with a VP of USA Credit saying that she would call my bank tomorrow and talk to them and my funds will be return proably and hopefully by next week yeah and will see. My advice is that we have got to stand up and fight for ourselves and get scam artist like these shut down. I for one am sick of people like us incoent people some of us are disabled, elderly, averageor single parents and it is not fair they USA Credit does this to us.

Company: Common Wealth Marketing Group (USA Credit)
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Uniontown
Address: 1 Millennium Drive
Phone: 18006859354
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