Edpreporitng.com Attempted to withdraw $159.95 from my checking account which cost me $35.00 in Overdraft Fee. Edpreportring.com Ripoff Internet


On June 27 EDP Card, Master Card HomeLand 800-430-0672 attempted to withdraw $159.95 from my Chase Checking account. Since the funds were not available I was Charged with an Over Draft Fee of $35.00. I went to my Bank to report the incident and they provided me a copy of the transaction that has (No Signature Required) on it and suggested that I contact the company and then follow up with a dispute against these charges with the bank fraud division. I indeed with home and tried to contact the company in which I had never heard of or did any business with. I was told that the office was closed and wasn't open on the weekend. I then attempted to email www.edpreporting.com and found that was a dead end also. I will now have to wait until Monday. Since I am a member of Pre-legal Services I will contact my Lawyer and make him aware of this and fight it to the end.

Company: www.edpreporitng.com
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8004300672
Site: www.edpreporting.com
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Call One
Attempted to withdraw funds from my checking account electronically without my authorization twice

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I have never heard of this company before, they have attempted to withdraw funds illigally from my account twice! Internet

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Overdraft Account

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Without any knowledge of this company whatsoever they without my pernission deducted $49.95 from my checking account!

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