First National Bank Of Marin
First National Bank of Marin Took Two Withdrawls From My Checking Account Refuse To Correct Their Erro


What happened to me should partially be my own fault. I trusted the Dec. 2001 I said okay to making a payment over the phone. What a mistake... They hit my checking account twice for $187.—. I have been fighting with them ever since to correct their error. They state they only received one payment. I faxed down a couple of times proof from my bank that it came out twice. Still they will not correct it. They have been harrasing me at work, even after I faxed a cease and desist letter to them stating no phone calls were to be made to me at my place of business. I find it hard to believe that a bank affiliated company can not see the extra money. Don't they balance their books? One customer service rep had mentioned to me that during this time there were new people and that I was not the only one this happed to. What a way to make extra money. I don't care to have the money back, I just want it credited to my account, which I will most certainly never use again.

vancouver, Washington

Company: First National Bank Of Marin
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: PO Box 98873
Phone: 8778253242
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